Eco-friendly TPE
Eco-friendly TPE
Eco-friendly TPE
Biobased thermoplastic elastomers for environmental sustainability
We design and manufacture eco-friendly and biobased TPE compounds consisting of thermoplastic materials developed with full respect for the environment. They are inspired by the concepts of circular economy and sustainability and are mainly based on raw materials deriving from renewable sources and recycled raw materials, which represent a good alternative to materials deriving from fossil raw materials.
Biobased TPE
The recipe of biobased compounds includes various types of renewable resources and a wide range of biobased content (from 20% to 80%). Versions approved for food contact are also available as they are excellent for use in the household and Home&Design sectors.
TPE with recycled content
The recipe of recycled-based thermoplastic elastomers includes materials from the plastics recycling chain. They significantly reduce the environmental impact, meeting the needs of the most varied sectors such as Home&Design but also industrial and electrical.